Feel Safe Being Visible ~ A Heart Centered Witches Guide

Published: July 18, 2020, 3 p.m.


Witchy woman,

Do you wanna feel safe sharing your magic?

If that's a yes, you're probably navigating what sooo many magical as witches are navigating... The trauma of actual prosecution within your soul DNA & your lineage.

Unfortunately, you can't just affirm your way outta this... Abraham Hicks can't save the day today!\\xa0

Thats why I created this episode for you that gives you a backstage pass into Soul Purpose Academy where I help heart-centered witches feel safe enough to share their gifts w/ the world.

In this episode I cover the top 3 road blocks I see most heart-centered witches navigate & how to overcome them.

Heres the prayer to Archangel Michael:

"I call upon you Archangel Michael to hold this space as a sacred container that only those who have the highest and best intention see this (podcast episode, instagram post, email) protecting me, my clients and all who need this. Please cut through any noise, dissonance & distraction leaving only the learning and wisdom intact. Thank you!"


Meg's Website - www.MegThompson.com
Instagram - www.instagram.com/iammegthompson
