Embrace Body Liberation - Feel Worthy In Your Body (Now) | Martha Hudson

Published: Dec. 11, 2019, 6 a.m.


Are you one of the millions of women who've felt not good enough in your body? Navigated some degree of body shame? Want to shift the way we see bodies as worthy?This episode is FOR YOU.

Martha is a body liberation badass. She supported me so much through those dark postpartum days. She reminded me how worthy I was of love. She reminded me that my body was sacred and important.

I\\u2019m so honored and grateful to have her on the podcast you guys!! Seriously, this woman has had such a tremendous positive impact on my life and I KNOW she will do the same for you.

\\xa0In this episode we dive into:

  • Allowing ourselves the freedom to be complicated! She says \\u201cYou get to be healed and be ok and also still be healing and still be learning to be ok.\\u201d
  • Diet culture \\u2013 being a potent way of quieting women and the sedation of women being incredibly intentional.
  • Trauma and not having to carry it all on our own
  • Feeling fabulous in a bikini
  • Becoming the hero of your own story by accepting all of your humany feels
  • Shifting from surviving into creation mode
  • How to take up more space in your own life

She's also offering up 15% off one of her UHH-MAZ-ING Bikini's with the code BODYLIBERATION on her website www.Luvmartha.com
Follow her on the insta - @Luv_martha


Meg's Website - www.MegThompson.com
Instagram - www.instagram.com/iammegthompson
