Lauren Waldman: Piracy: The Science of Learning

Published: Sept. 15, 2020, 9 a.m.

Traditional education has been about providing everyone with the same information. It was very administratively driven. It was very lecture driven.

Quote from Lauren:

“Technology could be used as a platform. And let's be, let's be very clear. Technology is a tool.

It is not a solution. It is a tool, not a solution.

It hasn't solved the underlying problems. Universities all across the world have been suffering. Elementary schools, suffering. And again, I respect the amounts of knowledge that these people have as their professions, but none of them, themselves ever learned how to learn.”

Lauren Waldman is a revolutionary force for learning with over 20 years of experience in the learning and development fashion, complemented by qualifications in neuroscience, she's driving the evolution of the way individuals and organisations approach their learning.

In this episode, Lauren and I are going to discuss how the latest and most relevant findings from neuroscience and cognitive psychology have an impact in HR today.

✅ The impact of  emotional reaction when it comes to learning

✅ Information and knowledge as a currency

✅ The power of teaching professionals how to “learn”

✅ Learning in education transformation

Lauren Waldman

Lauren Waldman, founder of Learning Pirate, is a revolutionary in the field of organisational learning and development. With nearly 20 years of experience in learning and development, complemented by qualifications in neuroscience, Lauren is driving the evolution of the way individuals and organisations around the world approach learning.

Most sought out for her expertise in scientific learning design and her not to be forgotten experimental talks, Lauren has designed and implemented learning for ambitious change initiatives, created remarkable learning experiences for sales and marketing teams and has worked with some of the most prominent industries (banking, hospitality, IT, retail) and organisations ( Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, TCS, Tokyo Disney Land, Social Bakers).


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Matt Burns

Matt Burns is an award-winning executive, social entrepreneur and speaker. He believes in the power of community, simplicity & technology.
