Enrique Rubio: Hacking HR

Published: April 23, 2020, 4 p.m.

Enrique Rubio is an Electronic Engineer, Fulbright Scholar and holds a graduate degree in Public Administration. Over the past 20 years he’s worked in technology & human resources, exploring workplace digitisation, and the intersection of the future of work, technology & HR.

His passions led him to found HackingHR, an online global community of HR & business leaders, practitioners, consultants, and technologists.

We've become good friends; business partners, on the strength of our shared values. And we, like anyone listening to this podcast, have been impacted by the global covid19 pandemic. 

We originally hopped on an impromptu LinkedIn LIVE event to connect with our community. And before, long it only made sense to press the record button. 

This wasn't scripted, or planned. You can tell by my audio that I’m not in front of my favourite podcast mic. Though over the next thirty-plus minutes, we cover a lot of ground. From how we're each individually approaching self care and discipline under quarantine, to the importance of creating clear social contracts to ensure a respectable integration of work and life. 

It’s always a pleasure to catch up with Enrique. I hope you enjoy it.

Enrique Rubio

Enrique Rubio is an Electronic Engineer, Fulbright Scholar and holds a graduate degree in Public Administration with an emphasis on HR. Over the past 20 years he’s worked in technology and human resources, exploring workplace digitisation, and the intersection of the future of work, technology and HR.

His passions led him to found HackingHR, an online global community of HR and business leaders, practitioners, consultants, and technologists.

He’s also the co-founder of Cotopaxi, an artificial intelligence based recruitment platform for Latin America.


Thinking Inside the Box

Constraints drive innovation. Each week we’ll tackle the most complex issues related to work & culture.

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Matt Burns

Matt Burns is an award-winning executive, social entrepreneur and speaker. He believes in the power of community, simplicity & technology.

