Carrie Chitsey: Video Interviews: A More Human Candidate Experience

Published: March 18, 2020, 1 p.m.

In light of recent global events, we wanted to accelerate the release of this episode to assist organisations facing real challenges in ensuring operational continuity. 

It is definitely not business-as-usual, though many organisations, including those tasked with serving the public, have real staffing challenges. 

Carrie Chitsey is an accomplished entrepreneur. Launching 8 technology businesses, including 1 not-for-profit venture, gives her a unique vantage point. 

Her teams work hard to replicate an outstanding ‘human’ experience using digital assets. Her latest focus, One Touch Video Chat, empowers companies to deploy video chat with customers, patients, and job candidates right from their own website. 

There’s genius in simplicity. The result is a process that allows organisations to #hire 3x faster, reduce their hiring costs by up to 56%, while simultaneously enhancing their candidate experience. 

Here, Carrie and I discuss the application of technology in the hiring process, provide some simple, actionable steps to expedite adoption, and illuminate the potential areas of risk for organisations making the transition from traditional interviewing. 

One silver lining, beyond the short-term chaos, is the considerable opportunity for organisations to tap into a highly-skilled, dispersed global workforce to augment, compliment & support their unique strategies. 

This is undoubtedly a daunting transition for some organisations. Recent events make things more challenging. 

I, and the entire team at BentoHR, will make ourselves useful in these trying times. Expect more on that shortly.

Until then, be safe.

Carrie Chitsey

Carrie Chitsey Wells, is a digital technology innovator. She loves to stay busy running companies like healthcare (One Touch Telehealth), digital banking (One Touch Video Chat) and recruiting/HR (Live Video Interviews). She is extremely passionate about youth mental health and the opioid crisis, which led her to start the non-profit Humans Helping Humans and expand her podcast “Executive Innovation Show” to gain awareness.


Thinking Inside the Box

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Matt Burns

Matt Burns is an award-winning executive, social entrepreneur and speaker. He believes in the power of community, simplicity & technology.
