Ep 45: The Impact of Negative Body Image on Your Mental Health and Tips To Shift Your Perspective

Published: Dec. 20, 2021, 1 p.m.


Happy Holidays!

What\\u2019s new with you and me?

Petey - Okay, we\\u2019re here now! The doors to the Soul Learners Membership open at the end of this week and everyone can join from then until January 3rd, 2022! The basic membership is $92/month and you get the video masterclass and the guided visualization each month along with access to the two monthly small group coaching groups and the monthly live Zoom call and special guest speaker. It\\u2019s an awesome value for those that are looking for that mind, body and spirit balance in their life. And if they want more, the VIP membership is available for $282/month and that includes a monthly one on one coaching session with me, a quarterly message from spirit channeled just for you and another insight coaching session with my assistant each month.\\xa0

But I think what everyone loves so much is the community we\\u2019re nurtured on Telegram. You know I\\u2019ve heard that people sign up for courses and information but they stay for community. Members post what they\\u2019re working on, ask for prayers or healing light for situations they have, post inspirational videos and links to all the different types of topics i talk about in there. So please check it out. And just for our listeners here, if you join and mention our podcast, I will give you a complimentary 30 min. Coaching session to get you started!\\xa0


Sarah - I had a great event last week at Orlando Brewing for yoga under the stars. Everyone wore their onesies and we had a blast - such a fun way to end this year. And what\\u2019s coming up for me at work is a break! I\\u2019m taking a few days off after christmas to develop some online content. I\\u2019m creating an empowered parent course to learn all the tips and tricks bringing your family back into balance. This first course will be for my parents with younger children - people will watch several video modules paired with a workbook which is all done at your own pace. And then there are 2 laser coaching sessions with me to trouble shoot any specific programs. I\\u2019m also offering a NLP coaching option - it\\u2019s about 10 sessions for someone who is looking to make a breakthrough in their life - could be relationship, career, spirituality or self. I\\u2019m excited for these new offerings! If anyone is interested, check my website for the offerings that will be up in the new year - balanceisthekey.com\\xa0


Affirmation: My body deserves all the love and respect I show it. My body is perfect the way it is and I honor it in this state of being.


Thank you for subscribing, rating, reviewing, sharing and reposting the show! I appreciate each and every one of you! \\u2b50\\ufe0f\\u2b50\\ufe0f\\u2b50\\ufe0f\\u2b50\\ufe0f\\u2b50\\ufe0f

Petey & Sarah are co-hosting the Soul Journeys Couple\\u2019s Retreat for you & your soul partner May 13-18, 2024 in Costa Rica! You can learn more at



