Ep 10 - How to recognize when the universe is sending you a message

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, 10 a.m.


We hope you enjoy today's episode where we share the many ways the universe has your back and how it interacts with you to send you the guidance, messages, comfort, hope and love that you need!

Takeaways on how the Universe sends you messages:

Numbers - repetition, license plate, same clock. All numbers vibrate with a different spiritual resonance and meaning. Universe is created according to a geometric plan which is why numbers appear throughout nature and mathematics hold the universal truth. Sacred geometry.

  • 1. You're in alignment with your spiritual person. You\\u2019re on the right path.
  • 2. Have faith and trust in whatever is happening in your life no matter how challenging. It\\u2019s for the best.\\xa0
  • 3. Call to be open and honest with yourself and others, and to pay attention to what is really happening around you.\\xa0
  • 4. Divine healing is on the way and you\\u2019ll be assisted in getting through whatever is presenting for you.\\xa0
  • 5. Change is on the horizon. Something new and significant is going to enter your life.\\xa0
  • 6. Suggests you're stuck in a rut or a certain way of thinking, and it\\u2019s time to make a change.
  • 7. Reflects spiritual mastery and miracles. Indicates you\\u2019re on the right path.
  • 8. Reflects something in the material world and suggests some work or career goal will come to fruition.
  • 9. Something in your life is coming to a close. No matter how precious, let it go. It will reflect a new beginning and new spaces open up.

-Smells of roses or flowers - angels around to calm you, breathe in their presence.
-Sounds - song repeating on radio or turn it on to get message, music is the universal language, hear message in your mind.
-Light - shimmering off of objects, seeing auras, different colors based on the frequency the angel\\u2019s energy vibrates. See orbs in pictures. Angels are beings of light and love communicating in this way.
-People messengers - a person telling you something you need to hear in the moment, you hear a random story that\\u2019s divine to hear.

Keep listening to hear the how the universe sends you messages OR head over to https://therapyunfiltered.com/episode-10 for today's show notes and angel cards.

Have any questions you'd like to have answered on the show?
Send us an email to questions@therapyunfiltered.com

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Connect with us on Instagram:
Petey @peteysilveira
Sarah @acrosarah

Thank you for subscribing, rating, reviewing, sharing and reposting the show! I appreciate each and every one of you! \\u2b50\\ufe0f\\u2b50\\ufe0f\\u2b50\\ufe0f\\u2b50\\ufe0f\\u2b50\\ufe0f

Petey & Sarah are co-hosting the Soul Journeys Couple\\u2019s Retreat for you & your soul partner May 13-18, 2024 in Costa Rica! You can learn more at



