What generation has the best credit score?

Published: Jan. 18, 2018, 11 a.m.


The USA Today story implied that young people may not understand how credit works but it has more to do with what generation has the longest credit history. Younger generations have lower credit scores because they don\\u2019t have the opportunity to have a 20 or 30-year-old credit account. If a consumer has never been late and they have a credit card that is two years old vs someone that has a 30-year-old credit card; the person who has the 30-year-old credit card is going to have a higher score.

If the older person has missed payments has collections on their credit or public record then obviously they are going to have a lower credit score. For the most part, people pay their bills on time, just having a longer credit history is going to give consumers a better score.
