All the Great Country You can Take from The Yanki & The Brit

Published: July 2, 2022, 11:57 p.m.

“One day I will wake up in an enchanted country cottage, scented with lavender & rose. My sacred space will be filled with healing energy, books, herbs, oils & crystals.
My playful pets will race to greet me each morning.
I’ll pour a cup of coffee and taste the magic in each sip.
As I open the window, I’ll hear the birds singing in the tree’s and watch as the bee’s play in the wildflower meadow. I will dance to an uplifting playlist in the kitchen while I cook breakfast for my family.
I’ll receive hugs and kisses from my warm hearted children when they wake from an uninterrupted night’s sleep.
Each deep cleansing breath that I take will be filled with love, light & gratitude.
I will tell my children fairytales of my wild Irish wanders and show them a vintage wooden box filled with treasure that I’ve collected from each adventure.
I’ll live an authentic life in the countryside with the one’s that fill my soul with the purest love,joy & inner peace.
That will be a dream come true.”