03/11/2024: Biden's Speech Fallout: Unpacking the Lies

Published: March 11, 2024, 10:30 a.m.


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On the March 11th episode of The Wright Report, Bryan Dean Wright, a former CIA Operations Officer, delves into the multifaceted aftermath of Joe Biden\'s recent State of the Union address, pointing out the widespread discontent it sparked among Democrats, Republicans, and fact-checkers due to several inaccuracies. Wright will break down the three most significant falsehoods from the speech and their implications. Additionally, this episode takes listeners on a global journey, covering a range of pressing issues from the ongoing brush fires in Texas to developments in the South Pacific, the escalating conflict in Gaza, societal shifts in Ireland regarding women\'s roles, and a groundbreaking AI innovation combating childhood blindness. Closing the episode, Wright addresses listener queries about starting a podcast, shedding light on the challenges and dedication required, including the surprising revelation of the 14-hour daily commitment to produce The Wright Report.
