02/08/2024: Scottsdale Crime Tourism, San Diego Weed Warnings, and the War on Natural Gas

Published: Feb. 8, 2024, 11:30 a.m.


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Grab your maps, because we\\u2019re going around the globe this morning with three stops in the US and three stops abroad for the latest news that\\u2019s shaping America and the world. We start in Arizona, where South American Crime Tourists are hitting Scottsdale hard this morning. Second, we travel to San Diego where researchers are offering a series of warnings for folks who use marijuana. Third, we head to DC where Biden Officials are admitting this morning that their War on Natural Gas might be about the 2024 Election. Fourth, we land in the heart of Africa talking about a rail-road project in Angola \\u2014 paid for by taxpayers \\u2014 and how it just got a new Chinese competitor. Fifth, we join the CIA in traveling to Fiji this morning. We\\u2019ll talk about why we\\u2019re all there. Finally, we wrap up in Italy where the AI Revolution just helped solve a 2,000 year old mystery from the City of Pompeii.
