7.15.24 Attempted assassination, Moneybeat, and History Book

Published: July 15, 2024, 7:15 a.m.

b'An analysis of the assassination attempt on former President Trump; on the Monday Moneybeat, David Bahnsen talks about the latest Consumer Price Index; and on History book, gymnast Com\\u0103neci\\u2019s perfect score at the 1976 Olympics. Plus, the Monday morning newsSupport The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate.\\u200b\\u200bAdditional support comes from Cedarville University, with more than 175 graduate, undergraduate, and dual enrollment programs. Online and on-campus programs at cedarville.edu/WORLDAnd from Compelled Podcast. Keith and Melody Green were pioneering Contemporary Christian Music. Then tragedy struck. Episode seventy at compelledpodcast.com'