6.10.24 Legal Docket, Moneybeat, and History Book

Published: June 10, 2024, 7:15 a.m.

b"On Legal Docket, female athletes fight to reclaim Title IX; on the Monday Moneybeat, a positive jobs report and the Texas Stock Exchange; and on the World History Book, remembering Calvin Coolidge, Hank Aaron, and the Exxon Valdez. Plus, the Monday morning newsSupport The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate.Additional support comes from Free Lutheran Bible College in Plymouth, Minnesota. Students start here, go anywhere, grounded in God's Word. More at: flbc.edu/world.From the Story Partners Podcast with stories of hope like Eddie Smith\\u2019s journey from the rough streets of Chicago to New Life in Jesus. Season 2, Episode 2, on any podcast app or at StoryPartners.org.And from World Relief, VISIT WORLDRELIEF.ORG/REFUGEEDAY to get TWO FREE COURSES from World Relief! Redeem the offer with your one-time or monthly gift of $25 or more. This offer ends on June 30, 2024, so visit WORLDRELIEF.ORG/REFUGEEDAY today to learn more."