5.30.24 Tension in Taiwan, EU elections, and the Scripps National Spelling Bee

Published: May 30, 2024, 7:15 a.m.

b"Taiwan\\u2019s government becomes more divided, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen seeks support from far-right groups, and spelling bee contestants learn more than spelling. Plus, feral chickens in England, Cal Thomas on Richard Nixon\\u2019s political makeover, and the Thursday morning newsSupport The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate.Additional support comes from Ambassadors Impact Network. Providing faith driven entrepreneurs the opportunity to apply for funding that aligns with their values. More at ambassadorsimpact.com\\xa0From Cadence International. Opportunities for ministry to the military at Cadence.org/Serve.And from Free Lutheran Bible College in Plymouth, Minnesota. Students start here, go anywhere, grounded in God's Word. More at: flbc.edu/world."