2.25.21 Child tax credits, Texas power woes, and serving schools

Published: Feb. 25, 2021, 8:15 a.m.

Leigh Jones reports on two plans to change child tax credits; Mary Reichard talks to MIT energy professor Christopher Knittel about problems with the Texas power grid; and Kim Henderson meets a woman helping her church to love its neighbors at a local elementary school. Plus: commentary from Cal Thomas, a preview of this week’s Listening In, an expensive Bay Area move, and the Thursday morning news. Support The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate. Additional support comes from Pensacola Christian College. Empowering Christian leaders to influence the world. More at: go.pcci.edu/World And from from Dordt University. Providing an education rooted in faith—for engineers, nurses, social workers, teachers, and more. More at dordt.edu.