12.26.23 Top stories from 2023 and notable deaths in business and science

Published: Dec. 26, 2023, 7:36 a.m.

b'High and low moments (https://wng.org/podcasts/life-liberty-and-the-pursuit-of-happiness-in-2023-1703552996) in reporting stories on life, religious liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in sexuality, marriage, and family in 2023; Notable deaths (https://wng.org/podcasts/stewards-of-gods-gifts-1703553045) in business and science, and Joel Belz (https://wng.org/podcasts/joel-belz-who-killed-history-1703553103) on who killed the joy of history. Plus, the Tuesday morning news (https://wng.org/podcasts/tuesday-morning-news-december-26-2023-1703552955)Support The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate (https://donate.wng.org/).\\u200b\\u200bAdditional support comes from Medi-Share. An affordable, reliable, Christian alternative to health insurance. (http://medishare.com/world)Medishare.com/world (http://medishare.com/world)'