12.19.23 Blessing same-sex unions, melatonin for kids, and a reindeer farm

Published: Dec. 19, 2023, 8:15 a.m.

b'Pope Francis issues a papal declaration that allows blessings for same-sex unions; many families turn to melatonin supplements to help kids sleep, but some experts have concerns; and a trip to a reindeer farm. Plus, a miraculous tornado survival, Daniel Suhr on events before Israel\\u2019s war for independence, and the Tuesday morning newsSupport The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate.Additional support comes from Dordt University. Dordt\\u2019s Master of Public Administration program provides training in areas like leadership and policy analysis. More at Dordt.edu/M-P-AAndfrom Medi-Share. An affordable, reliable, Christian alternative to health insurance. Medishare.com/world'