11.3.20 Watching election returns, and Classic Book of the Month

Published: Nov. 3, 2020, 8:15 a.m.

Sarah Schweinsberg outlines four possible scenarios for election night; Jenny Lind Schmitt talks to people around the world about whether their friends and neighbors are paying attention to the U.S. election; and Emily Whitten recommends Leadership as an Identity for the Classic Book of the Month. Plus: prayers for our nation, voting between contractions, and the Tuesday morning news. Support The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate. Additional support comes from the Master’s University. A commitment to Christ and scripture drives everything that happens on campus, both in and out of the classroom. Masters.edu Additional support comes from Samaritan Ministries, connecting more than two hundred eighty thousand members who care for one another spiritually and financially when there’s a medical need. More at: samaritanministries.org/world And from ConquerSeries.com. Helping more than one million men break free from pornography. Freedom today at conquerseries.com