11.09.20 Legal Docket, Moneybeat, and History Book

Published: Nov. 9, 2020, 8:15 a.m.

On Legal Docket, Mary Reichard details oral arguments in a Supreme Court case challenging religious liberty in foster care; on the Monday Moneybeat, Nick Eicher talks to financial analyst David Bahnsen about the latest economic data; and on History Book, Katie Gaultney recounts significant dates from the past. Plus: commentary from Marvin Olasky, and the Monday morning news. Support The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate. Additional support comes from Crossing Cultures International, an organization that equips and trains indigenous pastors and church leaders in more than 33 countries. cciequip.org And from christianbook.com. It’s not what we celebrate, it’s Who!