Patrick talks with Author & Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang / Life Episode 16

Published: April 18, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

b'To say Andrew Yang is a contrarian would be an understatement.\\xa0 He\'s the author of 2 books;\\xa0"Smart People Should Build Things", "The War On Normal People"\\xa0AND... He\'s running for President of the United States in 2020! Andrew made his money working in the tech sector, he was involved in several start-up\'s and he has a much different take on life.\\xa0 He has a very interesting perspective when it comes to the way society is evolving, both positive and negative; especially when it comes to the way Americans are educated. Pat and Andrew have a candid conversation that may raise a few eyebrows and may even be offensive to some.\\xa0 That said, we think you\'ll find Episode 16 enlightening and entertaining to say the least!'