589: Starting an Organic Orchard

Published: April 9, 2021, 12:30 p.m.


Starting an Organic Orchard.

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice in short, bite-size episodes.

In This Bite: Greg Peterson chats with the Urban Farm General Manager, Janis Norton, as she shares the story behind how she and Greg met, what led Janis to the world of organic gardening, and how she transformed her backyard from a dead & barren, desert-dirt slab to a vibrant and green, food producing urban jungle.

Do you ever wish you could catch those tidbits of wisdom that some people throw out without warning?

Well, in our new Farmer Fridays episodes - Farmer Greg shares quick thoughts, revelations, tips, and general farming advice in bite-sized and fun episodes. Sometimes it might be Greg just sharing a thought that hit him while working in the yard, or a really cool inspiration from the garden, and occasionally he\\u2019ll answer some listener questions. Other times he will catch a moment with a farming friend or podcast guest to share educational farming tidbits.  This quick podcast episode is designed to be brief and not take up your day. So\\u2026 listen in and enjoy this Garden snack\\u2026

Visit https://www.urbanfarm.org/2021/04/09/589-farmer-friday/ for the show notes on this Farmer Friday episode, and access to our full podcast library!
