539: Bryan Kappa on ChipDrop.

Published: May 19, 2020, 12:30 p.m.


Bringing green waste to your driveway.

In This Podcast: Organic matter builds soil, and Bryan Kappa has a free service that allows nationwide users to quickly build the quality of their soil. Learn about ChipDrop, the program that connects gardeners with tree companies and benefits everyone. Not all mulch is created equal, and you\'ll learn the difference in mulch options, how to properly wood chip your yard and improve your soil Ph. There are some exciting improvements coming to ChipDrop, as well as creative ways to use it!

Bryan is a Portland native who combined his love\\u202fof trees and technology into the ChipDrop web service.\\u202f While hauling brush for a local tree company he realized the potential cost savings of delivering the freshly chipped trees to neighbors and homeowners, as opposed to driving long distances to the dump (and paying their fees).\\u202f He also knew that people loved free things. Bryan has a history of creating life hacks to combine urban living with environmental sustainability.\\u202f In 2014 he was granted permission by the Portland Water Bureau to keep 2 goats and a pig on a small lot in North Portland to help clear brush and Ivy without the use of pesticides.\\u202f He and his roommates kept a composting toilet in his residential North Portland home, only a mile from downtown.\\u202f In his spare time, he serves on the board as a technical lead for Cascadia Wild, helping build and maintain their database of\\u202fimages of rare and threatened\\u202fspecies in the Pacific Northwest wilderness.

Visit https://www.urbanfarm.org/2020/05/19/539-bryan-kappa/ for the show notes on this episode, and access to our full podcast library!

539: Bryan Kappa on ChipDrop.
