107: Kerry Wekelo on Encouraging Kids to Eat Better

Published: July 21, 2016, 2:30 p.m.


Kerry is the founder and visionary of Zendoway and hopes to share with you from all her life experiences. Kerry serves as the Director of Human Resources and Operations for Actualize Consulting in which she spearheaded and runs a successful wellness program. In addition to wellness and leadership articles, Kerry has authored \\u201cAudrey\\u2019s Journey\\u201d a children\\u2019s book series focused on living with compassion and joy.  She also wrote the "Pile of Smile Activity Book" to give away free to children undergoing cancer treatments and If It Does Not Grow Say No\\u201d to teach kids about having fun with nutrition.

Visit https://www.urbanfarm.org/2016/07/21/kerry-wekelo/ for show notes and links.
