we all do weird stuff- the unsupervised podcast

Published: Oct. 4, 2018, 10 a.m.



we're like the Seinfeld of podcasts, not about anything specific but we'll make you laugh

this week we run down a list of some weird things people do when nobody is watching and it turns out that we do some pretty weird stuff that didn't make the list. then, the world wide debut of a special new rap song by Chrissy & Emmy produced by Dr J. this song is amazing.

its time for Americas new favorite game, "Micks Shitass Trivia" a fast paced game where the rules make as much sense as the questions, will Chrissy hold onto her unsupervised championship belt? plus rubbed by ginger, pants off toes crossed, apologizing with a song, goodwill gold, Emmy on red bull, Blockbuster nights, Mick goes shopping & so much more.

in the news, selfie free zone, the $200K kid, crossbow kitty, Kim & Donny, your son can't play, chased by a naked man & scooter DUI. so take a break from the stress and laugh with us.