Double Standards - the unsupervised podcast

Published: Nov. 16, 2017, 5 p.m.

take a break from the stress of the world and come laugh with Bill, Mick, Mya and Junior.

ever wanted to check out #FantasyFest well our good friend, Angela, joins us and explains that things got a little crazy when she went and if we did what she did then we would be in jail or on a list with all of these celebrities.

we also try to come up with a way to solve a very embarrassing moment most guys go through, check emails, crazy headlines, plan for #ComicCon and Junior asks if its better to work alone or with others which leads to a debate about checking out butts while at work. plus Mick will do things for money and we vote on what celebrity would be the most shocking sex scandal and Mick comes up with the perfect answer. all that and so much more fun.