62. Bonus Episode - Michael Kilpatrick on Thriving Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic

Published: March 20, 2020, 2 p.m.

The most infectious, catastrophic, and potentially, most deadly pandemic of recent history is upon us. Quarantines and strict precautionary practices are quickly blindsiding people and businesses around the world…far from least of which are farmers.

With cascading closings of restaurants, farmers markets, bars/breweries, etc, the source of a farmers’ struggle is no mystery. However, between the myriad of challenges, there is opportunity not only to prosper, but to substantially alleviate real burdens and boost your community during these hard times with healthy, immune system-supporting food.

The time is now. You CAN make a lasting difference in people’s lives!  In this special episode, I’ll discuss what to do, what not to do, and how you can continue to thrive during this pandemic. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay prosperous! We’re rooting for you!

Also, be sure to check out www.growingfarmers.com/tips for rigorously updated tips, pointers, and examples of how farmers are continuing to thrive amidst the chaos. 


You’ll hear:

What’s going on out there?! 3:08

How to leverage the situation in your farming business 5:49

How you can move forward and thrive in the short term 7:23