49. Robyn Calvey on Growing a Farm Business with CSA

Published: Dec. 24, 2019, 7:32 p.m.

In this episode, I talk to Robyn Calvey, owner/operator of Park Ridge Organics, a certified organic vegetable farm in eastern Wisconsin. The farm has been growing since 2003 and provides a customized share experience for 370 CSA members during the standard season (June-October) as well as an extended season (Nov-Dec). The farm also sells via wholesale and at a large local farmers' market. With a dedicated and skillful crew, Robyn is able to enjoy the farm life and a life outside of the farm as a mother and knitter.

You'll hear:

>> How Robyn focuses on the farm as a business

>> Why they don't grow potatoes, winter squash, corn or fruit crops

>> How the Harvie software has been a game-changer for their farm and has allowed them to provide customized shares for CSA members

>> How using a transparent task board is the best method for managing their team tasks

>> Why Robyn believes that farmers should be paid a fair wage and how they've worked that into their business structure

>> How Robyn's favorite farm tool is a red Victorinox knife