1698 An Era of Peace And Abundance with Robert Indries Holdings Robert Indries

Published: Oct. 15, 2023, 4 p.m.


In this episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, your host Josh Elledge speaks with the Chairman of Wesrom, Robert Indries.

Robert Indries is not just a business advisor; he\'s a visionary with a purpose. His vision for the next 25 years is to help humanity achieve complete peace and abundance. This is not just a lofty ideal; it\'s a goal that drives his businesses. Robert\'s companies are geared towards making this vision a reality, from healthcare to energy.

One of his companies, a marketing agency, has generated over a quarter billion dollars in sales for other entities. This success has changed lives and earned him wedding invites from grateful clients. It\'s a testament to the impact that a business can have when a purpose beyond profit drives it.

According to Robert, operations are the glue that holds all aspects of a business together. From marketing to sales to delivery, operational excellence ensures these components work together seamlessly. It brings clarity and order to a business, leading to unimaginable growth.

Robert highlights a saying that an empire can only crumble from within, which also applies to businesses. He explains that failure in a business is often caused by internal factors, such as lack of innovation, poor treatment of employees, or failure to provide value to clients.

Robert suggests focusing on these three areas to assess weaknesses within an organization. He emphasizes the importance of one-on-one conversations with clients to understand their needs and experiences truly.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Robert Indres\' main impact in the world
  • Robert\'s vision for the future
  • What Robert would speak about in a TED talk
  • The importance of operations in business
  • Assessing weaknesses within an organization
  • Robert\'s vision for achieving peace and abundance
  • The role of operations in business growth
  • Internal factors that can cause failure in a business
  • Importance of open communication with clients

About Robert Indries:

Robert Indries is a self-made entrepreneur hailing from Transylvania, Romania. Born into modest beginnings, he cultivated a strong work ethic through tending to livestock and farmland. Guided by the belief that learning transcends boundaries, he embarked on a journey that led to remarkable achievements.

His global travels gave him invaluable insights into international businesses, enabling him to establish a prosperous empire of eight ventures generating seven-figure revenues annually.

Robert\'s achievements extend beyond entrepreneurship, encompassing public speaking engagements across 17 countries in three languages. He has facilitated profound transformations for over 1,000 professionals, elevating their effectiveness two to tenfold, and has generated business value exceeding $500 million for clients.

He has orchestrated the convergence of exceptional physical health and a fulfilling marriage, emphasizing holistic success. Robert\'s journey epitomizes resilience, resourcefulness, and a steadfast commitment to continuous growth.

About Wesrom:

Wesrom is a prominent Software Development and Marketing Firm in the UK, with a core focus on assisting businesses across the software development spectrum. Beyond typical agencies and internal teams, Wesrom sets itself apart through its comprehensive approach.

In addition to providing access to a skilled team of developers, Wesrom offers a dedicated group of business and marketing experts. This ensures not only the technical success of a project but also its effective market positioning.

Wesrom\'s commitment to transparency and client assurance is...'