TTE 06 David Holland

Published: Aug. 10, 2020, 6 a.m.

This episode is a conversation with David Holland, Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science at New York University. David is one of the leading researchers into the mechanisms of glacier and ice-cap melting, working in both the Arctic and Antarctic. Along with his wife Denise who is the Field and Logistics Officer for David’s team, David’s work focuses on understanding ice melt and how it relates to the Ice caps in Greenland and the Antarctic. He uses Mathematics to model and predict how this melting will be affected by climate change. A native of Newfoundland, David was drawn to study ice by his passion for the Canadian national sport of Ice Hockey, but the discoveries he is making in his work have truly global implications. I travelled to the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland with David and Denise for a 2-hour NOVA special on Climate Change for PBS in the States, called Polar Extremes. David has a station there which measures the rate at which the Glacier is moving and helps him create models to apply to the Antarctic ice shelf melt. The conversation was recorded at the end of May, so the discussion reflects the context of Coronavirus at the time. David had only just got back from an aborted season in Greenland and was isolating, with the prospect of the Antarctic season being cancelled aswell. Despite those setbacks, David is a positive and engaging speaker about the science he works on. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.