Episode 120: What Are Your Zoo Job "Can't Live Withouts"?

Published: Aug. 4, 2022, 8 a.m.

After a quick discussion of sea turtles and supper clubs, Ari and Chris use a recent "what do I need to buy for my first animal job?" post on the internet as a prompt to share our personal "can't live without" items for working at NEI.

Hats? Check.

Glasses? Check.

Wildly different opinions on footwear brands? Check!!!

Are there any "must have" items in YOUR collection that you'd like to share with the rest of the class? Let us know at podcast@naturalencounters.com!


Ari's favorite belt from Amazon can be found here.

To learn more about Keen's footwear discount program for animal care professionals, visit http://www.keenfootwear.com/pro.