Hour of Slack #1789 RADIO-SAFE VERSION

Published: July 28, 2020, 6:49 p.m.


This is a rerun of #1232 from 2009, recorded mostly at a live devival in Portland, and today the preaching by Portland natives Uncle Dr. Onan Canobite and Rev. Crawford Smith seems strangely timely and even prescient! The blurb then: "We have some GREAT new music (The Attery Squash, SODDI, Mutant Mountain Boys, Kenneth Jonsson, The Duke of Uke, and the grand southern mission of the first thing that came into my bobslack) and some of the best ranting from the Portland Cyclone of Slack devival from last October: Dr. Hal, Rev. Crawford Smith, and Dr. Onan Canobite. There\'s also a goodly stretch of Radio Synaesthesia, involving Lonesome Cowboy Dave. It\'s all peppered with wonderful ear-humping collages by LeMur, Phineas Narco, Rev. Sweetness McGee, Rev. Eric, The Large, and Wilhelm Stahlhelm."
