Hour of Slack #1745 -- 22 X-Day - That's What People Do

Published: Sept. 26, 2019, 11:32 p.m.


It\'s StangDoe, Dr. Hal and a smattering of Philo for an entire hour! -- from 22 X-Day, second show, July 2 "2019."

A bit of old Media Barrage leads to discussions of: Cornstarch and St. Ken Kesey aka Rev. Hardly Visible. Tiny Andy Warhol vs. Jim Long at the 1970 USA Film Festival. Michael Peppe\'s clumsiness and brilliance such as BehaviorMusic. The smell of old and new movie film. Texas climate control. Pappy\'s timing. Why no X-Day at Stang Ranch: copperheads, knuckleheads, Dobbsheads - but no Gila Monsters. Horny Toads! Stang\'s DNA test. The World is ending - moon collapsing -- the underwater ocean and "Ark" and "Waterworld." Legume stopped hating. That\'s what people do. When the Internet came along - became TV. "A Boy and His Dog." All we talk about is monsters. Plastic lichen pollution, valium in the water, suicidal amoebas, living dead rotifers!! Science News: a new End of the World every five minutes. The One-Hoss Shay. It\'s hopeless! When Stang spent that $35. Sexism in the early Church. Those born rich can afford to be stupid. Stang\'s ignorance about all the new sexes and the special names for each.
