Hour of Slack #1659 - Rampant Rectalism

Published: Feb. 1, 2018, 12:10 a.m.


Typical recent "live" show with atypical music by The Rudy Schwartz Project, The Psycho Skeletons, Lothar and the Hand People, and The Rainmakers; includes a doomful old rant about the Masonic Conspiracies by Stang. Then it\'s yakdada all the way down. Soviet chimps in the suburbs; goodbad badfilm movies; Stang\'s strap-on toads; sensitive snowtard bloggers; farting in the sweat lodge; Young KimCarl Jung and Punk Freud; Cicus Apocalypse versus the baby weiners; build the Wall between Heaven and Hell and make Hell pay for it; escapee angels; fossil Devil Toenails; Onan and the Fappers; rampant Rectalism.


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