Hour of Slack #1642 - Ejerkulation Compuncture in NEIGHBORWORLD

Published: Oct. 3, 2017, 3:06 p.m.


Lonesome Cowboy Dave\'s sci-fi novel NEIGHBORWORLD has been published! By us! It\'s at subgenius.com now as well as Amazon and the CreateSpace store! Paperback or Kindle! Other topics: the DELETE button on your forehead, delivery by drone, the Seizure Post, Goat Simulator, college radio station ettiquette, and scrote-scraping. Music: El Queso, The Walk-Ins, Dr. Ahmed Fishmonger, DK Jones, The Rainmakers, XPosed 4Heads. "Bob" Dobbs is the subject of MOST of the music.

Order NEIGHBOR WORLD and/or THE BOOK OF THE SUBGENUS (signed): http://www.subgenius.com/scatalog/books.htm

This show is from two weeks ago. We didn\\u2019t do a live show this week because, well, our old hound dog and co-host Dammett suddenly decided to board the saucers early and we had to say goodbye to him. He is with Pappy now and we are looking for a Treeing Walker Coonhound puppy.
