Hour of Slack #1345 - Rerun, #798 -- Media Barrage 11, Bulldada Music

Published: Jan. 31, 2012, 5:49 p.m.


This is a GREAT rerun. Hearing it again shocked even me, and I, Stang, assembled it myself back in 2001. "The Suicide Song" at the beginning, alone, justifies the whole show. There are also two classic Captain Beefheart songs as well as music by some all-time greats of the novelty/bulldada/doktor genres, especially The Swinging Love Corpses. Many excellent clips from olden ESO radio shows (WCSB) feature Rev. Televangela calling in to be abused by Stang, Dave and Chas, and the excerpts from Media Barrage 11 are all good ones, as holy now as they were then -- that is, not very holy, but pretty funny. Rev. Alex Thompson\'s best X-Day rant -- the one he did at age 14 -- is included, as is an adjusted song by Little Fyodor, recorded live at the same 4X-Day Drill of yore. Puzzling Evidence/Dr. Hal/Glassmadness of 1983 vintage tops it off.
