We Love You Philipina - March 28, 2007

Published: March 29, 2007, 2:30 a.m.

A lot of "issues" came up this week.  Keziah had jury duty and drunk e-mailed someone she...uh...well...it's difficult for her to say she likes someone so Erick and Dave helped her out.  Tony Snow's cancer is back.  That's bad.  But what's worse for Dave is that his replacement is a hottie.  Another hottie who lies to him.  Did you know you can legally hit anyone with a postal truck?  Dave's creepy so it makes sense that he guilted Keziah into going out with the guys this weekend rather than picking up straight girls in bars.  Oh Philipina, we all love you!  I mean, like you.  We also played amazing stand-up from Marc Maron.  Those dicks at Air America should never be forgiven for canceling Morning Sedition.

Music by:

Gaucho Gil - The War is Going Well
Southpaw Jones - Protest Song
Jill Sobule - Under the Disco Ball
Wonderlick - We Run the World (mix 2)
Marc Maron - Lower Your Expectations and Getting High Without Drugs

Holy Crap!  The bill rumbling through our government for a timetable to bring the troops home isn't binding!  Call your representative today!!!

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