Partial ROM Training for Strength, and Protein Requirements for Muscle Growth

Published: Oct. 31, 2022, 9 a.m.

b'Today\\u2019s episode begins with a discussion about an ambitious experiment in the world of academic publishing, and the real-world costs of striving for bench press excellence. After that, Greg presents a segment about partial range-of-motion (ROM) training for strength outcomes. Greg digs into the available research about whether or not partial reps can be used to facilitate greater strength gains, and provides practical recommendations about when and how to incorporate this style of training. That\\u2019s followed by Eric\\u2019s segment that tackles a fairly widespread misconception about protein requirements for muscle growth. Many people believe that 1.6 g/kg/day is a very clear minimum requirement for supporting hypertrophy, and that falling a little bit short of this target severely limits muscle growth. However, the data suggest otherwise. He explores the available research and discusses some protein target recommendations for people who are prioritizing muscle growth or retention.'