P-Ratios, Ischemic Preconditioning, and Q&A

Published: Jan. 21, 2021, 10 a.m.

This is the final episode of season 3, and it features a couple of really in-depth research reviews. After some Good News and Feats of Strength, Eric takes a deep dive into a commonly-held belief in the evidence-based fitness world, and discusses whether or not getting lean will enhance your ability to gain muscle by improving your insulin sensitivity and increasing your p-ratio. After that, Greg has an excellent review covering the topic of ischemic preconditioning, followed by a Q&A segment in which Greg and Eric answer a couple of common questions with some very practical applications.\n\nContent warning: In Greg\u2019s research review, he discusses research that was carried out in dogs. If you love dogs as much as Greg and Eric do, this might be upsetting, and you might want to skip that part of the show. If so, please skip the discussion that occurs between 1:07:16 and 1:09:56.