Metabolic Rate, Artificial Sweeteners, Electromyography, and Non-Failure Training

Published: Feb. 13, 2020, 10 a.m.

b'Just in time for Valentine\\u2019s Day, Greg and Eric are back with another episode. First, Greg shares some recent Feats of Strength. Next, Greg & Eric answer some listeners\\u2019 questions about topics such as resting metabolic rate prediction equations, electromyography, vitamin D and fish oil supplementation, standing desks, and more. That\\u2019s followed by a Research Roundup segment, which covers recent research on plant-based proteins, training shy of failure, and artificial sweeteners, in addition to a critical review of \\u201cWhy We Sleep.\\u201d Finally, the relationship between lifting technique and injury risk is discussed in a brief Coach\\u2019s Corner segment, and Greg shares some sous vide cooking tips to close out the episode.'