Stories About Guns, Violence and the "Mentally Ill"

Published: Jan. 3, 2013, 1 a.m.

b'In a search for an explanation for the violent slaughter of our fellow citizens and especially for the mass murder of children in their classrooms, various politicians and the gun lobby are searching for a scpaegoat. They have decided that the mentally ill are to be blamed, and that guns are otherwise harmless and in no way responsible for the slaughter that has now become the new normal. It is being proposed that those labeled mentally ill or disordered are to be forced into treatment, and if necessary hospitalized against their will. In this way, it is argued, we will all be safer and and the country can go on arming itself with an endless supply of weapons of mass destruction. The professionals working in the mental health industry can then be blamed if the carnage continues and we can all watch as American Democracy continues to die and become an authoritarian society.'