Why More Americans Need Life Insurance

Published: Sept. 16, 2015, 4:16 p.m.

b'With\\xa0J. J. Montanaro, Certified Financial Planner - USAA (https://www.usaa.com/inet/pages/insurance_life_main?wa_ref=pub_global_products_ins_life)

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. So this is a great time to address a growing crisis of underinsurance, with too many Americans - more than 40% - without adequate life insurance; a time to educate Americans about the importance of life insurance and helping them get the coverage they need.

Have you been contemplating purchasing life insurance, but aren\\u2019t sure if it\\u2019s something you really need or can afford? USAA certified financial planner, Joseph "J.J." Montanaro discusses how much life insurance coverage we all need, what age is the right age to purchase life insurance, why it\\u2019s often considered retirement insurance, and if it\\u2019s ever a good idea to purchase life insurance through your employer.

JJ is a Certified Financial Planner. He is a native of Kansas City and earned his bachelor\'s degree in engineering from the United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. He holds FINRA Series 7, 63, and 65 securities registrations, and a member of the Financial Planning Association.'