The Value Of A Financial Advisor During Market Volatility

Published: Feb. 17, 2016, 9:34 p.m.

b'Joe Duran, CEO & Founding Partner of United Capital, Best Selling Author of The Money Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Great Financial Decisions

With the markets swooning amidst high volatility since August 2015 and the S&P 500 down almost about 9% since the beginning of 2016, it\\u2019s been a pretty rough ride for investors. And Joe Duran, for one, believes we are in a bear market. To back that up, he points out that most stocks are down 20% in spite of the fact that standard indexes don\\u2019t reflect this. On top of all this, international markets have taken a beating and gold prices are up sharply, another reflection of bearish sentiment. There is good news, according to Joe, who thinks the end is in sight and we\\u2019re probably past the worst of it.

It is possible that low interest rates which represent the current \\u201cflight to safety\\u201d may presage some talk of the \\u201cR\\u201d word (recession); but, Joe thinks if that does happen, it won\\u2019t be was bad as 2008 because individuals, corporations, and U.S. banks are much more financially secure.

So if you\\u2019re thinking of rushing for the exits, think again\\u2026 because it\\u2019s simply not all that bad, and U.S. markets should be able to bounce back from their recent weakness. Joe reminds us that while getting out is easy, most investors inevitably miss the \\u201cgetting back in\\u201d part, because it\\u2019s virtually impossible to time that right. This is where a good financial advisor can be invaluable\\u2014to guide you through the tug of war between following your emotions and doing what is logically the best option for long-term wealth creation.'