Song a Week Podcast 2009, No. 6 - Always Too Much by Richard E. Moore

Published: Feb. 11, 2009, 4:05 p.m.

b"Quoth Richard: I set out to finally use my Long-Scale 3 String Chromatic Strumstick in a SAW! Hooray me! I actually tooled around with 2 other mellow singer/songwriter type songs, but neither came to fruition, so I returned to an instrumental that I had done late last week. I filled it out, but it still wasn't quite busy enough to be JUST and instrumental, so I put some fitting lyrics on the first part. And VOILA: SAW! I also finally employed my Boss DR-670 drum machine, marking its SAW debut as well. To not terrible effect, I think. But I freely admit that I have a thing or twelve to learn about using it. Anyway, enjoy!"