Ep145 - Social Media for Nonprofits with Dash Cam Superstar Lanier Young

Published: Aug. 1, 2022, 11 a.m.


Via the power of social media marketing, he increased the click-through rate from his Instagram to his website by 800% and amassed a following of over 160,000 people! Lanier Young is the executive director of The Wheelhouse in Deer Park, Texas. The Wheelhouse is a non-profit program where men can free themselves from the grip of alcohol and drug addiction to return to society as functional, useful and responsible members. He is obsessed with helping people and says it brings such joy to his heart. Lanier\'s focus on helping others is born out of his own recovery from addiction and has evolved into entertaining lip-sync videos that ultimately support so many people. This episode is wonderfully inspiring. Enjoy!


