Ep138 - From Aspiring Actor to Panic Attacks to Social Media Creator

Published: June 13, 2022, 11 a.m.


"For this to be happening, and here I was pushing forty." Going viral after years on social media is quite the exciting thing. This is an intimate story explaining Britney\'s bold journey the past 17 years with mental health and running a small business. Maybe you\'re going through similar challenges? If you are, listen in for a dose of hope and humor in this real talk solo episode with the host. In this inspiring solo episode, you might find your story is not so different from hers. Anxiety expresses itself differently with every person. But like Britney says, it doesn\'t have to hold you back from making your dreams happen. Learn more about Britney HERE.


PLUS: Grab Britney\\u2019s free guide,\\xa0How to Make Money by Sharing Whatever You Want on Social Media,\\xa0HERE! And you can support this show and try Canva Pro\\xa0free\\xa0for 30 days & support the show\\xa0HERE.
