Ep117 - How to Nurture Your Leads During a Launch

Published: Jan. 17, 2022, noon


Make your launch a MASSIVE success with marketing tips from Lisa Rigoli. Get all her lead-generating tips in this podcast episode. Lisa helps you sell your offer on the \\u2018Gram while juggling \\U0001d622\\U0001d62d\\U0001d62d \\U0001d635\\U0001d629\\U0001d626 \\U0001d635\\U0001d629\\U0001d62a\\U0001d62f\\U0001d628\\U0001d634.
Check it out today and find the motivation to get organized and convert those leads to customers: Lisa is an HR Director for a Fortune 500 healthcare company, Instagram Mentor, a wife to her childhood friend, and mom of two girls.
For 7 years Lisa has been juggling the corporate and side business life. She is dedicated to sharing her experiences and frameworks to show you how to build your online presence, through attracting, nurturing, your ideal clients on the \\u2018Gram with ease (even if you don\\u2019t have thousands of followers.

Follow Lisa on Instagram HERE.

Explore Lisa\'s website HERE.


ALSO: *Bonus offer extended!* Enroll in Britney\'s mastermind membership, Small Biz Social Society, by January 21, 2022 for just $18, and you\'ll get an exclusive invite to a bonus group coaching session with Britney for new members only!\\xa0TAP HERE.
