Find your Niche | Amazon Categories

Published: Nov. 12, 2019, 11 a.m.

In this episode of the Best Amazon Seller we talk about the different categories to sell on Amazon. There are a wide variety of categories to choose from and each one has its value. I will highlight just a few, talk about the up sides and downsides of each, and share a little on the categories Buyboxer focuses on.

- Sports 2:32
- Home and Kitchen 6:46
- Toys 7:48
- Grocery 9:43
- Arts and Crafts 12:01
- Electronics 12:48
- Health 14:27
- Beauty Baby and Pets 15:03

“I’m growing more stubborn about what sells a product and I think it comes down to three things: I think it’s the reviews, the price, and the images. If you can nail all three of those, people that land on your product are going to convert.” 1:31