624 Find Your Flow with Travis Pastrana

Published: April 6, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

b"DON'T GIVE UP BEFORE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.\\nHave you ever wondered how people can be so great in the moment? How they can go with the flow so perfectly and know exactly how to maneuver a situation in their favor?\\nMaybe it\\u2019s the ability to land that dream client who seemed unattainable.\\nMaybe it\\u2019s being able to nail that trick on a skateboard, just when it seems like things are about to go wrong.\\nIn any case, the secret to your success and ability to go with the flow stems from the same place: failure.\\nWe all fear failure, but in the end it\\u2019s what makes us stronger. It means we\\u2019ve been testing the space, and working towards our dreams.\\nTo go into this more I wanted to post a clip of a previous episode with Travis Pastrana.\\nTravis is an amazing athlete of a different type. He\\u2019s won gold medals for motocross in the X-Games, and is a phenomenal BMX rider. He even runs his own action sports show: Nitro Circus.\\nLearn how you can become a master of your own passions, on Episode 624.\\nIn This Episode You Will Learn:\\nHow bad experiences can help you (00:49)\\nWays the greats push everything forward (1:27)\\nWhat Travis does to stay on top (2:13)\\nHow your passions will help you succeed (3:12)\\nWhy not giving up is so important (3:35)"