August 15, 2020

Published: Aug. 15, 2020, 6:18 p.m.

Hour #1

The Boogers - “SMCB Theme Song”

Rolie Polie Guacamole - “Ay Batta Batta” [Avocado] POCO DROM - “Cats Like to Swim” [Furry Grunge Electro] the eLeMeNOs - “Do it, You’re a Verb!” [It’s eLeMeNOs Time!] Chibi Kodama show ID Chibi Kodama - “The Safety Dance” Marky Monday - “The Yawn Song” [Adventures in Space] Roger Day - “No Ordinary Super Hero” [Invincible]

Red Yarn show ID Red Yarn - Critters in My Garden” [Backyard Bop] April Verch - “I Want to Help” [Top of the Hill] Alastair Moock & Friends - “Be a Pain” [Be a Pain] Ashley Mills Monaghan - “Wiggles” Claudia Robin Gunn - “Like an Astronaut” [Little Wild Universe] John Lithgow - “Singin’ in the Bathtub” [Singin’ in the Bathtub]

fleaBITE show ID fleaBITE - “Pineapple (feat. Itty Bitty Beats)” The Dreamtree Shakers - “All the Dreams in Your Mind” [Pretend a Parade] Frances England - “I Scream, You Scream” [Family Tree] Danny Weinkauf - “Perfect Day” [Dinosaurs & Metaphors] The Wild Band of Snee - “Catfood Jackson” [Playhouse of the Universe] Lonnie Park and the Earth Band - “She Can Do (feat. Lucy Kalantari)” [My Earth Songs]

123 Andrés - “The Beach (feat. Jazzy Ash & Aaron Nigel Smith)”

Hour #2

Steve Weeks show ID Steve Weeks - “Songbird” Dean JONES + JACKY Davis - “Nothing - The Song” [Where Does Your Mind Wander?] They Might Be Giants - “One Everything” [Here Come the 123s] Walter Martin - “Where I Oughta Be” [Green Beans & Tangerines] Sunflow - I Wish You Love” [Under the Stars] Makana - “Family”

Secret Agent 23 Skidoo show ID Secret Agent 23 Skidoo - “Keep it Crackin’” [The Figments of Polyglot: Mixtape 7] Father Goose - “Lemonade & Sunshine” [Life] SaulPaul - “I Am Enough” [Be the Change] Logan Whitehurst & the Junior Science Club - “Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle” [Goodbye, My 4-Track] The Pop Ups - “Hey Now”

Bears and Lions show ID Bears and Lions - “Hercules” [Navigate] Artichoke - “Banana Slug” BARK - “The Best Superpower is Being Yourself” [The Bark Album] Caspar Babypants - “I’m a Bee” [Bug Out!]

Parry Gripp - “Quesadilla Explosion”