Watch the Worst Question Amy Coney Barrett Was Asked by Mazie Hirono | DIRECT MESSAGE

Published: Oct. 14, 2020, 6:27 p.m.

b'Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report discusses the stupidest question he heard during the Amy Coney Barrett hearings, a black Trump supporter who was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight, and Margaret Thatcher\\u2019s ability to see into the future. First Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett was asked some pretty strange questions from people like Sen. Cory Booker, but Dave feels that the worst was asked by Sen. Mazie Hirono. Meanwhile a video filmed by KrisAnne Hall of Philip Ndifon, a black Trump supporter who was wearing a \\u201cBlack Voices for Trump\\u201d hat and a \\u201cTrump 2020\\u201d mask was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight for having his mask down while eating nuts, which doesn\\u2019t appear to violate Southwest\\u2019s mask policy. Finally Dave shares a video of the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher whose critique of the leftists in the Labour Party seems especially accurate with the current Democratic Party being pushed in the direction of people like AOC and Ilhan Omar.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'